Friday, September 4, 2015

What Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakat

What Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakat

What Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakat. I grew up watching Star Trek and Star Wars and always thought to myself, "Will we ever have the ability to travelWhat Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakat through the stars like Start Trek?" I always thought this but we are in 2016 and NASA has retired the space shuttle. To give them credit they are building a replacement but it seems that it is going backwards. Does the Government really want to try to do what the Apollo Mission's did in the 60's. When the Space Shuttle first came into service It was like science fiction. The Space Shuttle looked cool too. It took so much energy to get to space and on it's way back down it was a glider. Strange but it worked. Technology keeps advancing but are we limited to what we see in today's world. What about Top Secret technology that we do not know about. Is there a aircraft that could travel at 70,000ft at close to 2,000mph, oh wait there was. The SR-71 Blackbird, which was built in the 60's and released to the public in the 80's. For twenty years this aircraft would take to the skies and no one even knew about it.

What Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakat

I can bet the Government has technology that we do not know about. What concerns me is that if this technology can help. Unfortunately the technology that can help, may cause an issue with BIG business. For example imagine if there is technology What Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakatso we do not need fossil fuel anymore. Do you think this would really be released to the public? Do you know how much money the big corporations would lose. They would kill to keep this information secret. Imagine what technology is out there but for example a company like Exxon bought and concealed. Do I sound like a conspiracy theorist? Maybe, but think about it. We all have heard of Free Energy, right? Devices out there that could provide assistance to us. Everyone knows the saying, the Rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.

What Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakat

What Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakat. I guess time will tell. Everyday technology is released. Imagine all the smart phones, computers and features in homes, cars and airplanes. Technology keeps getting better and better. As Captain John Luc Picard said, " To boldly go where no one has gone before." Will be be able to travel like Star Trek through  the stars. I hope, but I would settle with other technology. What you may ask. That is a good questions. Maybe Androids, flying cars, hover boards, star ships, invisibility, lasers, light sabers, talking homes, talking cars andWhat Technology Do We Have| Nasser Erakat whatever else I can imagine. There is one question that always enters my mind and that is what if this technology fails, will we be taking back to the stone age? That is a big chance to take. For now I guess we are moving fine. Well Thanks for listening and as the late Leonard Nimoy would say as the character Spock from Star Trek, " Live Long and Prosper."

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