These days if you are walking or driving you will probably see that famous Selfie pose. There is a definition for it too, "a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media."
Everyone is doing it to, from the entertainers, athlete and even politicians. Are Selfies really necessary | Nasser Erakat. There are some who have to take a selfies everyday. Do you really have to flood the web with a pictures of your self. Social media is getting out of control. Everyone will post a selfie on twitter or facebook. Even at sporting events you can take a selfie and post it and you might see it on the jumbotron. You know selfies are getting out of hand when selfies kill more people then sharks, yup you heard me.
Are Selfies really necessary | Nasser Erakat
So Sad, So Dumb. Selfies Kill More People Than Sharks
The selfie nabs one more victim. A Japanese tourist has died after attempting to take a self-portrait at the Taj Mahal’s Royal Gate. The 66-year-old man fell down the stairs and suffered head injuries, losing consciousness and leading to his death. One of his friends also fractured a leg in the fall.It’s a sad story, and what’s even sadder is that it’s not the only one. As if you needed additional proof that people need to be much more aware of their surroundings and much less focused on themselves: In May of this year, a 21-year-old accidentally shot herself while posing with a gun in Moscow (she lived); and in August, a man was gored while attempting to snap himself during a bull running in Spain (he died).It’s gotten so bad in Russia, where kids have been electrocuted while trying to take selfies on top of train cars, the government has launched a public-service campaign to warn young people about locations where it might not be so smart to take a photo (including on top of houses, next to oncoming trains, and in the company of wild animals). Full Article
Are Selfies really necessary | Nasser Erakat
If it wasn't bad enough there is even a item called the selfie stick. The inventor must be making millions. I wish I would have thought about that one. If thing we need to lay of the selfies and pictures of your face or body but who am i to judge. If that is your thing keep snapping away. Be careful you do not want to be one of those statistics. Now there is even Selfie shoes, wow. Thanks for reading.
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